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A5 Plastic Document Wallet 5pk

A5 Plastic Folders are Ideal for work and carrying assorted papers safely and carefully in a backpack or briefcase, keep your work safe and flat, with no creases or folds! You could use the a5 plastic wallets to store receipts, folded letters, passports, a chequebook, a small notepad and pen, or similar items, perfect for taking all your covid sheets to the airport The assorted Colours, which you'll receive at random, are bright, colourful and super strong.
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A5 Plastic Document Wallet 5pk

A5 Plastic Folders are Ideal for work and carrying assorted papers safely and carefully in a backpack or briefcase, keep your work safe and flat, with no creases or folds! You could use the a5 plastic wallets to store receipts, folded letters, passports, a chequebook, a small notepad and pen, or similar items, perfect for taking all your covid sheets to the airport

The assorted Colours, which you'll receive at random, are bright, colourful and super strong. The plastic material is thick and doesn't get split, meaning your sheets inside will stay super straight!

  • Helps protect your documents
  • Comes in 5 different colours
  • All files are transparent
  • Come in assorted colours

PLEASE NOTE: This is an assorted item, and you will receive one colour picked at random from our assorted stock.

Unfortunately, we are not able to accept requests from Buyers for a particular variation, either before or after purchase.

SKU: 543557
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