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Acana Clothes Moth Trap

This clothes moth trap from Acana is ideal for attracting and trapping moths and will not use any harsh chemicals making it perfect for use within a family home.
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Acana Clothes Moth Trap

This clothes moth trap from Acana is ideal for attracting and trapping moths and will not use any harsh chemicals making it perfect for use within a family home. The moth trap uses pheromone technology which the moth is attracted to so that your living space is free of any pesky unwanted visitors.  The moth trap can easily be hung to most surfaces and each pad will last up to 8 weeks, making it a convenient and easy-to-use pest control solution.

  • Uniquely designed as a Control Product
  • Checks for any moth infestation as a First Alert
  • Monitors the effectiveness of your ACANA Moth Treatments 
  • Uses latest Pheromone Technology to attract adult moths

SKU: 509880
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