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ArtBox Glue Sticks 2 x 36g Pack

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ArtBox Glue Sticks 2 x 36g Pack

Thie 2 Pack of Glue Sticks is exactly what you need to complete your crafts this year! Artbox's Super sticky formula and fast-drying properties mean this glue will stick nearly anything together! Great for making homemade crafts, birthday cards and more! 

Fancy starting a scrapbook to document all your adventures throughout the year! To put it together, you always need glue!

These Gluesticks are a perfect size to allow easy handling even allowing you to glue very small objects, without getting glue on your hand! This glue is completely Safe and Toxic free, meaning this is a treat glue stick to add to the craft box for the kids to use too!

The bright packaging and wrapping mean it'll be harder to lose, especially when you mid craft, we know how messy the table gets, scrap paper everywhere! I assure you these glue sticks are great value for your money, just put two and two together, literally!

  • 2 x 36g Sticks
  • White coloured Glue
  • Bright colourful wrap!
  • Easy to hold and use!
  • Simply "twist-action" to push out!

SKU: 253667
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