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Bellica Mosquito Attack Jigsaw Puzzle 1000pcs

This scene of this mosquito attack 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle from Bellica depicts rocket armed Mosquito fighter bombers, from bases in the North of Scotland, attacking German merchant shipping transporting ore from Norway.
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Bellica Mosquito Attack Jigsaw Puzzle 1000pcs

This scene of this mosquito attack 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle from Bellica depicts rocket armed Mosquito fighter bombers, from bases in the North of Scotland, attacking German merchant shipping transporting ore from Norway.

The mosquito was one of the most effective and fastest operational aircraft in World War II. The aircraft was used in several roles; light bomber, fighter bomber, night fighter, photo reconnaissance and as depicted here, maritime strike aircraft. 

  • 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle
  • Size - 68.30cm x 48cm
  • From World War II
  • Materials - Wood/Acrylic

SKU: 553596
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