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Binbrite Bin Odour Neutraliser Spring Blossom 500g

Control unwanted smells that gather in your bin with the Bin Brite Odour Powder.
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Binbrite Bin Odour Neutraliser Spring Blossom 500g

Control unwanted smells that gather in your bin with the Bin Brite Odour Powder. This powder soaks up excess liquid in your waste bin and gives off a delightful fragrance. Simply sprinkle it into your bin bag and enjoy a clean and fresh odour! Keep that bin clean for weeks, the last thing you want is a stinky bin, when you're trying to prepare food, or a stinky bin right next to your desk while you try and get work done! As well as smelling good, this will stop any smelly distractions, and boost work speed around the house!

  • Spring Blossom Scent
  • 500g Size
  • Eliminates smells
  • Soaks up liquid
  • Keep your bins fresh and clean

SKU: 546453
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