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Bluecol Car Snow Socks Pair

Bluecol Snow Socks are high quality textile snow chains that are designed to easily fit onto car wheels to help provide better grip on snow and ice.
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Bluecol Car Snow Socks Pair

Bluecol Snow Socks are high quality textile snow chains that are designed to easily fit onto car wheels to help provide better grip on snow and ice. A great short term and emergency solution when out on the winter roads, the Socks can be more effective than winter tyres and snow chains, as well as being cheaper. The Snow Socks are held in place by an elasticated band around the front and back of the tire, as well as by heavy duty straps across the face of the wheels.

Fit the Snow Socks in moments by simply pulling the sock over the tyre, rolling the vehicle so that the tyre turns 180°, and pulling the sock over the remainder of the tyre. Coming in their own handy travel bags, the Socks are reusable and easily stored in your boot for any emergency.

To find the correct Snow Sock for your tyre size, locate the tyre size embossed on the wall of your tyre, then cross reference with the application guide.
Please note: Bluecol Snow Socks are for emergency use only on snow covered roads. Once clear of snow and ice, remove the sock to prevent considerable wear. It is important you do not drive over 20mph when the snow socks are fitted.

Please note: the correct size of Snow Socks can only be determined by knowing the size of the tyres on your car. Unfortunately, we are unable to answer questions such as "What size do I need for a Ford Focus?"

  • Sizes: 30 (XS), 80 (L)
  • Reusable
  • Handy travel bag
  • Easy to put onto vehicle tyres
  • Gloves included to fit socks

SKU: 538156
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