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Cillit Bang Black Mould Remover 750ml

Cillit Bang remover will work in a few minutes to easily destroy black mould without any scrubbing needed.
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Cillit Bang Black Mould Remover 750ml

Cillit Bang remover will work in a few minutes to easily destroy black mould without any scrubbing needed. The combined cleansing and disinfecting agents have a freshness booster which helps with removing and eliminating 100% of mould stains on grout.

It's very effective for use in damp and mould embedded areas for a clean and healthy home everyday. Simply spray on to the surface and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes and then ripe and rinse. 

  • 750ml
  • Kills 99.9% of bacteria
  • 100% mould removal


SKU: 159670
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