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Cooler Jug With 12 Reusable Ice Cubes 1Ltr

Cuisine Elegance
With the Ice Cubes included this will become an essential part of your BBQ servewear, helping you to keep cold water on the table so you don't need to keep missing the sun to go inside and refill.
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Cooler Jug With 12 Reusable Ice Cubes 1Ltr

With the Ice Cubes included this will become an essential part of your BBQ servewear, helping you to keep cold water on the table so you don't need to keep missing the sun to go inside and refill. The included ice cubes will keep you and your favourite guests' drink cool, perfect for afternoons spent enjoying the hot sun. The 4 assorted colours, Black, White, Green and Blue, all guarantee a cold, flavourful, chilled drink!

  • Plastic Material
  • 12 Ice Cubes Included
  • Assorted Colours: Black, White, Green, Blue
  • Stays super cool!
  • Lift up Lid

PLEASE NOTE: This is an assorted item, and you will receive one colour picked at random from our assorted stock.

Unfortunately, we are not able to accept requests from Buyers for a particular variation, either before or after the purchase!

SKU: 543899
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