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Coral Massage Sponges 3 Pack

These Sponges Are Ideal For The Bath Or Shower To Massage The Day Away.
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Coral Massage Sponges 3 Pack

These sponges are ideal for the bath or shower to massage the day away. Add some of your favourite soap and it will lather really well in the sponge. One side is a soft sponge to wash with and the white side is bobbly and a more coarse sponge to give your a good massage and it will exfoliate too.

The pack will be made up of a mixture of the pictured colours, the packs are assorted as you see in the picture. We are unable to pick colours for you as they are prepackaged as such. The Rippled texture creates a relaxing massage-like feel when you're cleaning yourself in the shower!

  • 3 Pack
  • Exfoliate & Massage
  • Assorted Colours
  • Rippled Texture
  • Relaxing for the Shower!

This item is assorted and a colour mixture will be picked at random, we are unable to take requests before or after ordering

SKU: 510555
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