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Daytona Concentrated Screenwash

Daytona concentrated screenwash is designed to clean vehicle windscreens leaving a bright streak free finish and pleasant berry fragrance.
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Daytona Concentrated Screenwash

Daytona concentrated screenwash is designed to clean vehicle windscreens leaving a bright streak free finish and pleasant berry fragrance. it contains powerful cleaning agents which quickly remove, dirt, grime and insects deposits from windscreens. Used undiluted it will provide protection against freezing down to - 30.

Add to Windscreen washer bottle using the mixing ratios below as a guide, Normal driving conditions 10% Screenwash to 90% Water, Winter driving conditions 50% Screenwash to 50% Water, Severe driving conditions use neat.

  • 2.5 Litre
  • Berry
  • Effective down to -30
  • Removes grease & grime

SKU: 525339
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