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Dekton 10w Mini Glue Gun

This mini glue gun is suitable for  general purpose, workshop, automotive, crafts and hobbies making it ideal for use on different materials including metal, plastic, fabric, wood, ribbon, paper and card.
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Dekton 10w Mini Glue Gun

This mini glue gun is suitable for  general purpose, workshop, automotive, crafts and hobbies making it ideal for use on different materials including metal, plastic, fabric, wood, ribbon, paper and card. The mini glue gun includes 2 glue sticks and comes with a anti drip nozzle. The glue gun is perfect for intricate work and has a fast and easy trigger feed application.

  • Includes 2 x glue sticks.
  • Power: 10W
  • Anti drip nozzle.
  • Ideal for intricate work

SKU: AV000283:YTC
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