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Dental Floss 50m x 2 Pack

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Dental Floss 50m x 2 Pack

Staying clean and having nice teeth are just part of everyday life in the 21st century! And flossing is a super easy way to complete to peak cleanness of your pegs! Got a super important meeting, or date? Don't let something you can change for just a small purchase, from getting you that next best thing in your life!

This 50m 2 Pack will last you months, it's nice to always have some on hand, you just never know when it might come in handy! On the contrary, have two people living in your house? Well, now you don't have to share!

  • 50m x 2
  • Strong Durbale Dental Floss
  • Come in a plastic storage case!
  • Great for you and your partner!
  • Store in dry place

SKU: 506134
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