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Doff Complete Lawn Feed, Weed & Moss Killer 1.6Kg

For a thicker greener lawn you need the  complete lawn feed from Doff which feeds the lawn but also kills weed.
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Doff Complete Lawn Feed, Weed & Moss Killer 1.6Kg

For a thicker greener lawn you need the  complete lawn feed from Doff which feeds the lawn but also kills weed. The high quality seed mixture is perfect for repairing patchy parts of the garden with little aftercare. 

The Doff lawn repair seeds is super absorbent and fast acting which will ensure that your patchwork repair is seamless. The feed will kills moss, feed your lawn and kills weeds. The feed will cover up to 50m2.

Doff Complete Lawn Feed, Weed Moss Killer can be used between May and August when grass, moss and weeds are actively growing and soil is moist.

  • Kills moss
  • Feeds the Lawn
  • Kills weeds
  • Results in a thicker, greener lawn
  • Covers up to 50m2

SKU: 532235
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