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Elbow Grease Soda Crystals 500g

Elbow Grease
Effortlessly Tackle Tough Stains And Grease With Elbow Grease Soda Crystals.
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Elbow Grease Soda Crystals 500g

Effortlessly tackle tough stains and grease with Elbow Grease Soda Crystals. These powerful crystals provide an effective and natural solution for cleaning a variety of appliances including cleaning the oven, fridge, stove top, kettles and much more.

Say goodbye to harsh chemicals and hello to a sparkling clean home. The soda crystals contain naturally occurring sodium carbonate which will deodorise and degrease surfaces.

  • 500g
  • 100% Natural Ingredients  
  • Scoop Included
  • For Appliances & Surfaces
  • Non-Scratch
  • Freshens

SKU: 552409
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