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Elves Behavin' Badly Elf Thief Outfit

Elves Behavin' Badly
Watch out for the elf thief on the loose who is wearing a thief outfit from Elves Behavin' Badly.
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Elves Behavin' Badly Elf Thief Outfit

Watch out for the elf thief on the loose who is wearing a thief outfit from Elves Behavin' Badly. This adorable miniature thief set is complete with a black and white striped top and black trousers. Dress your elf as a thief and create lots of great mischief throughout December. Watch out for this mischievous elf who is bound to cause mayhem and havoc around your home.

  • Elf Theif Outfit
  • 2 Piece Trousers and Top
  • Elves Behavin Badly Accessories
  • Designed Especially For Elves

SKU: XT9012
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