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Elves Behavin' Badly Motion Activated Elf Snoop Alarm

Elves Behavin' Badly
Keep an eye on the Christmas presents with the Elves Behavin' Badly Motion activated Elf snoop alarm! This fun and festive alarm features a mischievous elf design and activates when motion is detected.
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Elves Behavin' Badly Motion Activated Elf Snoop Alarm

Keep an eye on the Christmas presents with the Elves Behavin' Badly Motion activated Elf snoop alarm! This fun and festive alarm features a mischievous elf design and activates when motion is detected. Ever troubled with the kids snooping at their Christmas present? This flashing light and siren is motion activated and will deter the children from having a sneak peak! The ultimate elf surveillance.

  • Battery Information: 3 X LR44 Included
  • Elf Snoop Alarm
  • Motion Activated
  • Item Size: 9cm (D) X 10.7cm (H)

SKU: XG9603
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