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Exploding Kittens Tacocat Spelled Backwards Game

Exploding Kittens
This Fun And Fast-paced Card Game Is Perfect For Game Nights With Friends And Family.
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Exploding Kittens Tacocat Spelled Backwards Game

This fun and fast-paced card game is perfect for game nights with friends and family. Tacocat Spelled Backwards is a game of clever card matchups in a box that is also a board with a cat who is also a taco. Unfold the box, then duel head-to-head in palindrome-themed battles. The higher card wins the round and brings Tacocat closer to your side. Each card victory moves you one step closer to winning.

The game features 38 Palindrome Cards, 7 Palindrome Tiles, 1 Tacocat Token, and 1 Box that serves as the game board. All components are crafted to enhance the fun and engagement.

  • For 2 Players
  • Ages 7+
  • Up To 15 Minute Play Time

SKU: 558776
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