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Falcon De Luxe Snow Day Jigsaw Puzzle 1000pcs

Enjoy a snowy day from the comfort of your own home with the Falcon De Luxe Snow Day jigsaw puzzle! This 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle is the perfect pick-me-up activity to help you relax and have some fun.
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Falcon De Luxe Snow Day Jigsaw Puzzle 1000pcs

Enjoy a snowy day from the comfort of your own home with the Falcon De Luxe Snow Day jigsaw puzzle! This 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle is the perfect pick-me-up activity to help you relax and have some fun. Let the snowy white and icy blue colours of this winter-inspired scene take you away, and challenge yourself to build the perfect picture.

This joyful image captures all the fun of a snow day at the local village green. Friends and families have gathered to go sledging, build snowmen, and take part in a lively snowball fight. The jigsaw has been produced using high-quality recycled board to ensure every jigsaw piece maintains its original shape and creates a poster-like finish.

  • Falcon de luxe 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle
  • A jolly illustration that captures the fun and excitement of a traditional snow day
  • Illustrated by the artist Fiona Osbaldstone
  • Produced using high-quality recycled board
  • Each finished jigsaw puzzle measures 68 x 49cm (approx.)

SKU: 545057
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