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Funkites Rainbow Stripe Vulcan Kite

Fun Kites
Take to the skies with this rainbow stripe Vulcan kite which is the perfect companion to take outdoors and have some fun in the sun while staying active.
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Funkites Rainbow Stripe Vulcan Kite

Take to the skies with this rainbow stripe Vulcan kite which is the perfect companion to take outdoors and have some fun in the sun while staying active. The kite is ideal for taking with you to the beach, park, or use it in the garden. 

The Vulcan kite is a great first kite as it's very lightweight, easy to fly, and will be lots of fun for everyone. Using a kite is a great activity to keep children entertained and gets them outdoors and active.

• Vulcan Shaped Kite
• Colour: Multi-coloured
• Dimensions: 120 x 60cm 
• Ages: 3+

SKU: 531010
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