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Furniture Clear Finishing Wax

Renovate and transform old furniture with Rust-Oleum furniture finishing wax which is a clear colourless wax polish that has a classic, smooth touch, flat matt finish.
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Furniture Clear Finishing Wax

Renovate and transform old furniture with Rust-Oleum furniture finishing wax which is a clear colourless wax polish that has a classic, smooth touch, flat matt finish. It brings a new lease of life to tired, worn-out objects.

It should be used to protect the finish achieved with rust oleum furniture paint. It is easy to apply by brush or rag and dries with a soft velvety sheen. The wax finish ensures the paint finish is water repellent and seals against stains and marks. 


To be applied over rust oleum furniture paint, ensure surface to be coated is clean, dry and free from contamination.


Up to 14m2/litre, coverage may very depending upon method and rate of application and porosity of drying.

Drying time : Dry in 15 minutes 

  • 400ml
  • Made from natural waxes
  • Protects your finished paint effect
  • Provides a lasting sheen
  • Can be reapplied over time to maintain protection

SKU: 128038CL
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