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Goodyear Magnetic L Plates - 2 Pack

This two-pack of L Plate signs is specifically designed to display on the front & back of the vehicle to ensure learners can be recognised.
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Goodyear Magnetic L Plates - 2 Pack

This two-pack of L Plate signs is specifically designed to display on the front & back of the vehicle to ensure learners can be recognised. This is a must-have for people learning to drive! This Fully magnetic version ensures it will stay attached to the car, so you don't have to worry about it coming loose while your mid learning!

These are also water-resistant meaning you can also learn in horrible weather! The Simply L Plate has been measured and checked that it is compliant with the UK Driving Regulation.

  • UK Driving Regulation Size
  • 2 Pack (For back and Front)
  • Fully magnetic
  • water-resistant

SKU: 538778
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