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Handy Homes LED Hand Torch

Handy Homes
This handy little torch is perfect for a multitude of uses! It's ideal for keeping in a drawer or cupboard in case the lights go out, or for taking with you if you're out walking or cycling at night.
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Handy Homes LED Hand Torch

This handy little torch is perfect for a multitude of uses! It's ideal for keeping in a drawer or cupboard in case the lights go out, or for taking with you if you're out walking or cycling at night. It's also great for camping trips. It comes with a convenient hanging loop for easy storage, and 3 x AAA batteries are included so it's all ready to go!

  • Size: approximately 90mm long x 30mm wide
  • Durable and shock-resistant case
  • Hanging loop
  • 3 x AAA batteries included
  • Colour: black

SKU: 545661
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