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HG Scale Away Foam Spray 500ml

Limescale leaves a dull haze on tiles, shower cubicles, plastic bath tubs, sinks, taps, worktops and in the toilet.
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HG Scale Away Foam Spray 500ml

Limescale leaves a dull haze on tiles, shower cubicles, plastic bath tubs, sinks, taps, worktops and in the toilet. Fortunately we have HG limescale remover foam spray, but sometimes the limescale is more persistent than we thought! So we developed HG limescale remover foam spray super powerful especially for those situations!

This extremely powerful, 3x stronger formula removes persistent limescale quickly, easily and thoroughly, leaving a brilliant shine.

  • 500ml
  • Extremely Powerful
  • Removes Persistent Limescale
  • Leaves a Clean Shine

Safety Data Sheet


SKU: 513932
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