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Hozelock Growbag Waterer

The Growbag Waterer From Hozelock Provides You With The Easiest Way Of Growing Plants With No Pipes, No Timers, And No Fuss.
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Hozelock Growbag Waterer

The growbag waterer from Hozelock provides you with the easiest way of growing plants with no pipes, no timers, and no fuss. You will get healthier plants and better results thanks to the unique capillary water spikes. The Growbag Waterer features a large capacity 15 litre water reservoir, perfect for when you’re on holiday and can keep plants watered for up to 14 days. 

Water is delivered directly to the plant's roots through unique capillary watering spikes. It's so easy to set up making it reusable year after year. There's a convenient indicator to monitor the water level and the base can be filled using a watering can or hose pipe connector. The Waterer also includes cane holders to provide a solid base for plant support.

  • Waters plants for up to 14 days
  • Healthier plants and better results thanks to the unique capillary water spikes
  • Easy to set up and re-usable
  • Prevents drought and minimise water wastage
  • Water Capacity -15L


SKU: 539299
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