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Kilblock Odour Neutraliser Citrus Fresh 500ml

Help to rid yourself of smelly plugholes with this Kilblock Odour Neutraliser liquid cleaner.
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Kilblock Odour Neutraliser Citrus Fresh 500ml

Help to rid yourself of smelly plugholes with this Kilblock Odour Neutraliser liquid cleaner. The dual-action formula instantly works to deodorise and freshen with its citrus scent. Use regularly as and when you need to, with only 1 cup of the liquid needed at a time. Perfect for kitchen and bathroom plugholes around your home, even the worst smells are a thing of the past. Make your easier and smelling fresher with Kilblock's Odour Neutraliser in your arsenal.

  • 500 ml
  • Scent: citrus fresh
  • Deodeorises and freshens plugholes

SKU: 542315
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