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Panaroma Lemongrass Gel Air Freshener 190g

Made with natural lemongrass essential oil, which is known for its refreshing and invigorating scent.
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Panaroma Lemongrass Gel Air Freshener 190g

Made with natural lemongrass essential oil, which is known for its refreshing and invigorating scent. The gel formula means that it lasts for a long time and can be easily placed in any room of your home or office!

The convenient 190g size is perfect for placing on a desk, counter, or bookshelf. Simply open the jar and let the refreshing aroma fill the air!

  • 190g Approx Size
  • Lemongrass Fragrance
  • Gel Air Freshener Perfect for a Shelf or Desk!
  • Yellow and Leaf Design!

SKU: 546477
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