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Maxim LED Lightbulbs

Fill your home with a warm atmosphere this winter, these lightbulbs launched by Maxim provide you with a stunning modern light that will look perfect with any traditional lampshade.
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Maxim LED Lightbulbs

Fill your home with a warm atmosphere this winter, these lightbulbs launched by Maxim provide you with a stunning modern light that will look perfect with any traditional lampshade. With a variety of light bulbs available, these warm white and cool white lights offer bayonet and screw cap fittings and will suit of range of interiors such as vintage cafes, shops, salons, and many households.

  • Colour: warm white and cool white available.
  • Attractive glowing filament.
  • Non-dimmable.

 Maxim Warm White Small Screw Cap 3W=25W

Maxim Warm White Bayonet Cap 3W=25W

Maxim Warm White Bayonet Cap 6W=40W

Maxim Cool White Small Screw Cap 3W=25W

Maxim Warm White Bayonet Cap 10W=60W

Maxim Cool White Bayonet Cap 16W=100W

Maxim Cool White Screw Cap 10W-60W

Maxim Warm White Screw Cap 9W=60W

Maxim Warm White 5W=50W

SKU: 505344
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