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Big Potato Mean Girls Burn Book Party Game

Big Potato
Get in loser, we're playing a party game, okay you should just know that we don't do this a lot so this is like, a really huge deal.
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Big Potato Mean Girls Burn Book Party Game

Get in loser, we're playing a party game, okay you should just know that we don't do this a lot so this is like, a really huge deal... we want to invite you to play this game we invented. Here's how it works, you each tear out a page of the burn book, ask some random questions then write down outrageous things about each other. It's totally anonymous so there's no way you'll get in trouble. Well unless someone guesses that you wrote about them but that probably won't happen right? 

You win points for the best answers, so now’s your chance to write about your friend’s hilarious fashion sense… or that time they made out with a hot dog. Mean Girls is the perfect adult and teen party game for your next game night .

  • For Ages 14+
  • 4+ Players
  • Includes 100 Question Cards, 7 Card Board Mats, 2 Answers Pads And One Scoresheet

SKU: 554506
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