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Monopoly Millionaire Board Game

Yorkshire Trading Company
Monopoly millionaire is just like the classic property trading game, but with a new twist, everything's worth a lot more and there are more ways to play.
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Monopoly Millionaire Board Game

Monopoly millionaire is just like the classic property trading game, but with a new twist, everything's worth a lot more and there are more ways to play. You pay rent, buy houses, collect your salary and buy properties just like the classic monopoly game. But this time, it's supersized! Who will become a millionaire first?

  • Includes gameboard, title deeds, 4 sets of movers, fortune cards, millionaire lifestyle cards, chance cards, dice, bank tray.
  • 2-4 Players
  • Ages 8+
  • First to a Million Wins!

SKU: 545210
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