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Neutradol Vac n Fresh Carpet Deodoriser 350g

Keep your home clean with the Vac n Fresh carpet deodoriser which will keep carpets and hoovers smelling fresh and is the perfect addition to make your home feel more welcoming.
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Neutradol Vac n Fresh Carpet Deodoriser 350g

Keep your home clean with the Vac n Fresh carpet deodoriser which will keep carpets and hoovers smelling fresh and is the perfect addition to make your home feel more welcoming. It actively deodorises and destroys bad odours, leaving a super fresh scent on your carpets. It's available in various scents including fresh lily and fresh amber glow.

  • 350g
  • Keeps Carpets And Hoovers Smelling Fresh
  • Destroys Bad Odours Around Your Home
  • Can Also Be Used In Bins
  • Various Scents Available 

SKU: 554434
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