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Non-Stick Springform Pan 22cm

If You Like To Make Cheesecakes, Flans Or Quiches Etc Then The Springform Pan Is An Ideal Tool To Make Sure You Can Get Them Out Again.
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Non-Stick Springform Pan 22cm

If you like to make cheesecakes, flans or quiches etc then the springform pan is an ideal tool to make sure you can get them out again. This pan is 22cm wide and 6.5cm deep with a spring side to free the base.

These pans are non-stick so this makes it a lot easier to get your baking out of them pan, less waste or damage too! There is nothing worse than the sides of your cheesecake sticking to the pan and ruining you work.

  • 22cm Wide
  • 6.5cm Deep
  • Springform
  • Non-Stick

SKU: 521954
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