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Pest-Stop Super Rat & Mouse Killer Pasta

Pest Stop
The pest stop super rat and mouse killer pasta is a ready to use and no need to open or touch bait which is made from edible waxed paper which mice and rats will easily eat through to eat the bait which is peanut scented which is attractive to rodents.
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Pest-Stop Super Rat & Mouse Killer Pasta

The pest stop super rat and mouse killer pasta is a ready to use and no need to open or touch bait which is made from edible waxed paper which mice and rats will easily eat through to eat the bait which is peanut scented which is attractive to rodents.

The  pasta bait contains powerful rodenticide difenacoum for a fast and effective kill of rodents. The 15 sachets are deal for cold environments, or where rodents have declined to accept other baits.

  • Ready to eat pasta bait
  • 15 sachets
  • Contains powerful active ingredient
  • Peanut scent - highly attractive to rodents
  • Packed into plastic tubs for freshness and security

SKU: 528120
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