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Pretty Intimate Sanitary Towels Normal 10 Pack

pretty intimate
These regular-fit sanitary towels are great for comfortable everyday use! In a pack of 10, the softcover and breathable core flex with movements for added security and confidence!  Helps provide clean & dry protection whilst having a  Natural and comfortable fit.
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Pretty Intimate Sanitary Towels Normal 10 Pack

These regular-fit sanitary towels are great for comfortable everyday use! In a pack of 10, the softcover and breathable core flex with movements for added security and confidence! 

Helps provide clean & dry protection whilst having a  Natural and comfortable fit. Keep fresh and secure every day,  and don't let anything stop you!

  • Normal Regular Fit
  • 10 sanitary towels.
  • Secure shape.
  • Length 250mm.

SKU: 235125
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