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Red Stingray Sledge

Yorkshire Trading Company
This snow sledge is a must have accessory for providing hours of fun and entertainment within the snow this winter.
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Red Stingray Sledge

This snow sledge is a must have accessory for providing hours of fun and entertainment within the snow this winter. The Red stingray has a simple and stylish sledge ideal for all the family as it's lightweight and space saving in design but big enough for two small children to ride together. The sledge has been made from high quality frost resistant plastic and has a tough construction to be able to withstand adventurous outdoor play. 

Attached is a convenient hand rope to make controlling of the sledge very easy so you can simply lean back and hold on to your hat for a exhilarating experience. It's also versatile as you could even use the sledge at camping and festival sites to be able to  transporting tents and luggage to and from the campsite. 

  • Colour - Red
  • Size - 92 x 61.5cm
  • Ideal for children
  • Perfect for fun in the snow

SKU: 530904
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