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Rizla Cigarette Papers

Rizla 5pk Regular Green Cigarette Papers The Rizla medium thin green papers are both robust and flexible while also being easy to roll and the pre cut corners.
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Rizla Cigarette Papers

Rizla 5pk Regular Green Cigarette Papers

The Rizla medium thin green papers are both robust and flexible while also being easy to roll and the pre-cut corners make rolling even easier. The medium weight of the papers means it's been specifically developed to work well with the moisture content of UK tobacco. 

  • Size - 70x36
  • Regular thickness
  • Regular burn rate 

Rizla 5pk Regular Blue Cigarette Papers

Blue cigarette paper is a thinner paper which takes more skill to be able to roll than green. Once mastered you're able to experience a slower burn while using less tobacco killing two birds with one stone.

  • Size - 70x36
  • Thin Thickness
  • Burn Rate - Slow

Rizla 2pk Kingsize Silver Cigarette Paper 

The super think cigarette papers are Rizla's thinnest and the extra thin paper provide you with the slowest burn and the least paper taste. If you're an experienced roller, Silver is the paper for you.

  • Size - 108x44
  • Thickness - Extra thin
  • Burn rate - Slowest  

SKU: 514978
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