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RSW Detergent Storage Box 6L

RSW International Limited
Having standard boxes of detergent around your washing machine can end up detracting from the entire feel of the room, even if you do only use it as a utility space.
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RSW Detergent Storage Box 6L

Having standard boxes of detergent around your washing machine can end up detracting from the entire feel of the room, even if you do only use it as a utility space. We all want our homes to really feel like our own, and cardboard boxes aren't necessarily going to fit in with your design.

This simple yet effective detergent storage box is the perfect answer to this age old problem. Pour the detergent into the box, with a 6 litre capacity, and you instantly have all you need inside a well designed container. Including an easy grip carry handle and hook latch, safety has been put at the forefront of the storage box to ensure that no little hands accidentally open the box.

  • Size: 18 x 23 x 24 cm approx
  • Easy grip handle
  • Hook latch for security and to keep the powder dry
  • Washing machine design on the front

SKU: 537781
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