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Sealapack Reusable Freezer Bags 40 Pack

Keep your food fresh with a 40 pack of Sealapack Reusable Freezer Bags with each bag having a locking press seal to ensure freshness.
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Sealapack Reusable Freezer Bags 40 Pack

Keep your food fresh with a 40 pack of Sealapack Reusable Freezer Bags with each bag having a locking press seal to ensure freshness. These bags can be used to store food including freezing leftovers, or for securely marinating fish, meat or vegetables.

Maker the most of these bags and reduce food waste, chop and freeze overripe fruit to quickly make a smoothie or fruit compote. These bags are reusable, simply pull open, remove contents, and then wash the bag ready to reuse again.  These bags can easily be separated into portions in each bag, seal, and freezer.

  • 40 pack
  • Resealable & Resuable
  • Size - 17.8cm x 20.3cm

SKU: 535179
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