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Shedmates Garden Netting 3m x 2m

The 15mm 3m x 2m garden netting from Shedmates is perfect for protecting crops including soft fruits and brassica from birds and butterflies.
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Shedmates Garden Netting 3m x 2m

The 15mm 3m x 2m garden netting from Shedmates is perfect for protecting crops including soft fruits and brassica from birds and butterflies. The netting is also suitable for peas and beans and it's strong and durable. 

The unobtrusive green mesh protects ponds from predatory birds such as Heron as well as helps to keep your pond 'leaf free.

  • Dimensions: 3m x 2m
  • Maximum mesh size 15mm
  • Colour - Green
  • Ideal for protecting crops

SKU: 133699
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