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Thumbs Up Round Volcanic Ash Waste Basket

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This Volcanic Ash Coloured Waste Paper Bin is a simple design rubbish bin for paper waste with a 29cm diameter down to a 19cm diameter bottom.
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Thumbs Up Round Volcanic Ash Waste Basket

This Volcanic Ash Coloured Waste Paper Bin is a simple design rubbish bin for paper waste with a 29cm diameter down to a 19cm diameter bottom. It is made from Strong and durable plastic materials, easy to wipe clean, It features stylish oval slotted sides and is suitable for use in the home or office. The top-side hole ridged design is modern and stylish for any room or kitchen. And the folded edges mean you could even fit a small bin bag around it!

  • Size: 29cm-19cm Diameter x 28cm Hieght 
  • Colour: Volcanic Ash
  • Folded Sides
  • Could fit a Bin Bag
  • Durable and Strong Material

SKU: 548203
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