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Tomy Greedy Granny Game

The greedy granny game from Tomy is guaranteed to give you lots of giggles as Granny is back and she's showing no signs of letting go and she's not called greedy granny for nothing.
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Tomy Greedy Granny Game

The greedy granny game from Tomy is guaranteed to give you lots of giggles as Granny is back and she's showing no signs of letting go and she's not called greedy granny for nothing. Granny loves her biscuits so much that she has fallen asleep with all of them on her lap. There are 4 types of biscuits on the tray and the aim of the game is to collect each type of biscuit.

The aim of the game might sound easy but one wrong move and you could wake up granny and her teeth will go flying.  Will you risk it for a biscuit? Or will your mischievous moves wake Granny? This is the perfect game for friends and family to play and will bring hours of entertainment.

  • For 2 to 4 players
  • Will you risk it for a biscuit?
  • Contents: A granny with a chair, a spinner, and 12 biscuits
  • Batteries Not Required

SKU: 544318
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