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Turtle Wax Scratch Remover 100ml

Turtle Wax
The Wax Scratch Remover Easily Restores Any Paint Finish As The Ultra Fine Polishing Agents Remove Minor Scratches And Swirls To Deliver A Mirror Like Shine.
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Turtle Wax Scratch Remover 100ml

The Turtle wax scratch remover easily restores any paint finish as the ultra fine polishing agents remove minor scratches and swirls to deliver a mirror like shine. The ultra fine abrasive powders are powerful enough to remove scuffs, scratches and paint transfer but will not cause micro scratching or swirl marks.

It's so easy to use and doesn't require any hard buffering which is ideal for lighter restoration jobs and the added solvents ensure smooth application and easy removal. It's suitable for for cars, lorries, trucks, caravans, home furniture, motorbikes.

  • 100ml
  • Your car is left with high-gloss reflective shine
  • Clear coat safe
  • Ultra-fine polishing agents smooths away imperfections

SKU: 512466
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