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Vitaminstore 60 Capsules Cod Liver Oil + Vitamin A & D

These Cod Liver Oil Capsules provide vital vitamin A and D which contributes to the maintenance of normal bones and muscle function.
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Vitaminstore 60 Capsules Cod Liver Oil + Vitamin A & D

These Cod Liver Oil Capsules provide vital vitamin A and D which contributes to the maintenance of normal bones and muscle function. When taken regularly it helps to maintain strong bones and teeth, and healthy skin and reinforces the immune system, helping to maintain healthy bones and mobility. Take one to two a day to assist in your dietary intake.

These Tablets reinforce the immune system, after regular takings, your body will become stronger at fighting against bacteria. Vitium A creates this result by improving vision, growth, cell division, reproduction and immunity.

  • Cod Liver Oil
  • 18+ Adults Only
  • Vitamin A + D
  • 60 capsules
  • Check Packaging for full Ingredients List

SKU: 524768
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