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Ward Green Rolling Garden Kart

The green rolling garden kart from Ward is ideal for keeping your garden neat and tidy and has been designed to get rid of garden waste easily and efficiently.
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Ward Green Rolling Garden Kart

The green rolling garden kart from Ward is ideal for keeping your garden neat and tidy and has been designed to get rid of garden waste easily and efficiently. The kart is compact and easy to use with a unique design that features a detachable rear Roller which can be filled with water or sand for added stability.

The garden cart features wheels and handles for convenient mobility for when you're cleaning up leaves or digging up weeds. The Roller provides a smooth push or pull action over soft ground, particularly gravel, and will not damage lawns.

  • Colour - Green
  • Size - 60D x 47W x 85Hcm
  • Easy to move around
  • Designed with a helpful handle
  • Made from durable material

SKU: 541834
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