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Zoflora Frosted Peppermint Concentrated Disinfectant 500ml

The Zoflora concentrated disinfectant will kill 99.
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Zoflora Frosted Peppermint Concentrated Disinfectant 500ml

The Zoflora concentrated disinfectant will kill 99.9% of viruses and bacteria within the home which will protect your family from any potentially harmful germs and will also remove any lingering odours to leave your home feeling fresh and fragrant all day. It's very easy to use as you simply Dilute and Spray It, Soak It, Wipe It, Mop It or use neat down drains and plugholes.

Zoflora disinfectant can be used on floors, baths, tiles, taps, worktops, drains, dishcloths, toilets & potties. Frosted Peppermint is a festive twist of candy cane-inspired notes. Eucalyptus blends with hints of dark chocolate, snowdrops, and vanilla to create the perfect finishing touch to your own winter wonderland.

  • Frosted Peppermint
  • 500ml
  • Kills 99.9% of Bacteria & Viruses
  • 24 Hour Fragrance
  • Versatile Cleaning
  • Eliminates Odours
  • Perfumer-developed

SKU: 545773
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